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Introduction to Blogging

I recently read an article called “The 12 Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Blog” by Brian A. Klems. I highly suggest reading it if you are new or old to blogging! It was a very helpful article. I even wrote down the points on a very large index card and I will keep it close as I continue to blog. As I read articles such as this, I like to skim over it again and see if the writer applied the very tips he/she just mentioned and see if it actually works. In this case, it did.

The first thing Klems mentioned in his article was “Find your focus” and I will not be afraid to admit, I have a hard time doing just that. I have an even harder time STAYING focused. I still have a great deal to learn such as, using links in my posts and using tags. I hope to learn these things, and continue to learn about writing and attracting readers because these things would be very useful in journalism.

I read another great blog written by Dan Shewan called, “How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in Five Steps.” He gave so many great tips and points about the writing process and I can certainly tell that I have a distance to go in my writing. I want to write about interesting things and draw readers in. In order to do that, I will strive to write about everyday things that people DO relate to. I want my readers to say, “I’m not alone!” or “Finally someone said it!” I want to be approachable and these articles were very helpful.